Quarter Life Crisis

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Coming up in Maths

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Yesterday we had the annual meeting of our Graduiertenkolleg. It was a pretty quick and boring affair.

My tutor is organising a summer school on Gauge Theory and Mirror Symmetry next year, which I consider good news as it will be a good opportunity to learn more on it and meet other people in that area of maths. I'm looking forward to it.

In addition, we thought about having some physicist tell us - in a comprehensible way - why certain things we bump into in mathematics are of interest for physicists as well, to improve our understanding. Jan-Philipp and me started thinking about this last week after my tutor talked about a topic and stressed this is interesting in and motivated by physics but we were mainly confused - so we thought having a clue about the background might help. Let's hope we'll find someone to help us out there.

At the end I was 'elected' - i.e. the only one who volunteered - to be the representative for the students in the Graduiertenkolleg. This will mean sitting in a few meetings per year, so I hope it's not too bad. It might also mean that our workgroup will have two votes (my tutor and me) at our disposal, in the unlikely case that they are needed at some stage.

November 14, 2002, 12:10

Tagged as uni.

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