Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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251 words

I just released a slightly updated version of Rechnungs Checker that fixes a few glitches. Fixing your own bugs is obviously the most annoying bit of making software.

While updating the web-pages, I improved them a bit by using PHP for displaying the modification dates automatically and to send different CSS to non-Mac computers. Windows browsers will see the system requirements for our programs in red type with an extra line saying 'not for Windows'.

Apparently, being a Windows user means that people are not able to read and interpret the 'Requires Mac OS X.2' thats within an inch of the download link before clicking that very link. At least we're seeing significant numbers of downloads by Windows browsers, particularly for Ballerburg. 'Significant' meaning in this case that we have two to three Windows downloads for every Mac download. Even with people doing some downloads from their office computers, this ratio seems a bit unlikely. Occasionally we also get e-mail requests telling us that 'there is no exe file' or similarly smart observations.

Doing this little hack to the CSS seems like an OK way of keeping people from downloading stuff they don't want (and even saving bandwidth that way – probably the internet analogue to being environmentally friendly) without annoying the Mac users by the warning...

Again, PHP leaves the impression that it's very powerful and most likely to powerful and complicated for me to want to do more with it than scraping the surface of its capabilites.

February 24, 2003, 17:15

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