Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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174 words

Reading a report on the U.S. military having lied to Austria about the planes crossing their airspace made me think about whether these people are our friends again. While this country – thankfully isn't Austria, guessing that we'll be lied to as well seems like a safe bet.

Breaking international law to attack countries is one thing, a.k.a. injury, not respecting the right (and obligation in case they happen to have a constitution that forbids participation in preparing such wars) of other countries to neither participate nor help in those actions is another one, a.k.a. insult.

On a similar topic that's en vogue these days, axes (axises?), an article on the forging of new axes the U.S.' imperial ambitions. And a site giving you the appropriate axis for three coutries you click. It tells us that Mr. Rumsfeld's axis of Germany, Cuba and Lybia is no more than an axis of oil-producers, whilst, say, the U.S., Iran and China are an axis of earthquake-prone, oil-producing, border-disputing countries. Oh well.

March 1, 2003, 1:40

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