Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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On the Move

141 words

The day started smoothly. Getting up after little sleep, the train actually being on time (quite unusual as south-bound ICE trains passing Göttingen tend to be 5 to 10 minutes late on a regular basis), so I'll have plenty of time to waste in Frankfurt airport which I am currently approaching with some unnaturally high speed.

Reading Die Zeit on the train, there is a fine article on DRM and so-called 'secure computing' for a non-technical newspaper. Also, in his weekly food (or food-snobbery) column Wolfgang Siebeck points out that while we tend to know loads about the ingredients of food these days only few people can actually distinguish using their sense of taste. Similarly he reminds us that most industrially processed food is only tolerable because it is sugar loaded or covered with loads of sticky fat (aka 'cheese').

March 5, 2003, 12:28

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