Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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277 words

Lots of washing clothes, getting stuff for my friends in England and Stephie in Oslo, burning CDs for people (though not everbody I wanted to do it for – hope nobody is going to be upset and feeling left out) and packing has been done in the past days. I also gave the 'general interest' talk I promised to give today on complex projective space today. I think it went quite smoothly and was fun to give. The audience even seemed mildly interested. Leif came by later and we had some rather unexciting pasta. (That sweet-and-hot Thai sauce really isn't too bad with pasta, though I am more in favour of classical herbs and garlic).

I hope I didn't forget anything too important by the time I leave tomorrow morning to catch the train to Frankfurt to catch my plane to Lisbon for the first leg of my journey.

I'll be in Portugal for a week with my parents, then return to Frankfurt on the 19th and catch a plane to Birmingham a few hours later to visit my friends at Warwick, visit my old tutor there etc. I'll be heading to London afterwards to visit Chiho and Dave before leaving for Oslo to visit Stephie and returning to Germany on the 24th, where I'll try to drop it at Jan's place for a day before returning to Göttingen.

Quite a journey. I am looking forward to it. I am not sure whether I'll have internet access before arriving in England, so I may type up a couple of things before going to sleep but most likely post them all at once, when I'm at Dan's place.

March 5, 2003, 1:17

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