Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

« ProfessionalMainSunshine »

Easter weekend

197 words

After having coffee with Yassin yesterday on a dreadful afternoon, it was raining and I got wet to the bones twice in the afternoon alone, Alex dropped by on his way back to Dresden. Coming on his motorbike, he needed a hot shower first of all to de-frost. Later we had dinner and chatted while watching some music videos:

Charlotte showed The White Stripes' new Seven Nation Army video on Fast Forward, saying that The White Stripes are over-hyped right now – but are still brilliant. Quite like I feel about it. The song is very cool. I love that bass line, which isn't a bass line but played on a guitar. The video is very cool a well. Simple and reminding me of A Clockwork Orange – because of the triangular theme, I suppose.

After having an extended easter brunch this morning, Alex left and dedicated myself to the more mundane activities. Since, two bathrooms have been cleaned and so have my room and three washing machines full of laundry.

Because I'm busy doing nothing,
Working the day through.
Trying hide to find,
Lots of things not to do.

Hefner, The Nights are Long

April 20, 2003, 17:50


Comment by katie madonna: User icon

Hey you mentioned that the Seven Nation Army Video reminded you of Clockwork Orange-

I have discovered something quiet interesting about a year ago. Elephant sync’s to Clockwork Orange, there are two scenes on my web page under shorts.

Take a look if you are interested.

Katie Madonna

December 16, 2004, 4:10

Comment by ssp: User icon

Thanks for the pointer Katie. Cool.

December 16, 2004, 18:29

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