Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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262 words

With many people getting due to changes in food-intake and the perils of fast food, that problem seems to be catching more attention. An article about the phenomenon and its consequences also describes how companies now start to raise awareness as well – if only to safeguard themselves against lawsuits &c.

There was an article about the problem in the paper this morning that referred to a government initiative. Funny about the article were two things:

Firstly, it referred to the idea of educating children food-wise as the Karius-und-Baktus-Prinzip:

Dabei vertraut sie auf das "Karius-und-Baktus-Prinzip" - die zwei bösen Bilderbuchbuben bauten sich kleine Häuser in Zähnen, animierten so Generationen zum Zähneputzen.
Karius und Baktus being a name of a children's book about two little men living in your mouth and building houses in your teeth. It's supposed to teach children mouth hygiene. I remember that I always felt really sorry for the two of them, particularly when they were threatened by the dangerous toothbrush or the evil dentist. So I'm not sure the book does it's job too well.

Secondly, the article states

Vor der massiven Werbung der Lebensmittelkonzerne, die die Jugendlichen längst als kaufkräftige Klientel entdeckt haben, schützt auch das alles jedoch nicht. Darüber ist sich Künast im Klaren. So sagte sie gestern in Richtung Nestlé, Unilever und Kraft Foods: "Die Wirtschaft kann nicht nur ihr Geld verdienen, sie muss auch gesellschaftliche Verantwortung tragen."
stressing in particular that companies shouldn't only earn money but also take responsibility for what they're doing. Shouldn't a real-life politician know better than that?

July 9, 2003, 19:59

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