Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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Doing Things

251 words

Today saw me first attending a seminar and then a very good overview talk on Donaldson and Seiberg-Witten theories and the relation between them by Nicolai Tyurin, a guest and friend of my boss.

Later I had to go shopping in order to wine and dine my parents tonight – sushi again, with my mum bringing really fresh and good fish from Bremen this time. It worked rather well and – as usual when my mum buys things – was far more than enough.

In between I did the laundry and gave and extra shine to our living room to make things look nice and civilised...

Today's Dilbert has a pretty good take at all those silly $129 ($199 and $70 mail-in rebate) offers that seem to be ubiquitous on the (U.S. run) web. The Register finally sees El Steve putting Apple out of business – the RIAA managing what others failed to do for the past decades.

They also mention that the cause of a recent potential Linux backdoor is one of the most stupid things in the design of the C programming language: The = vs. == question. The difference between those two really is a pain and easy to overlook. Anyone who ever used C will have been annoyed by this at some stage. Decent languages like Pascal have much better conventions here using := or even ← here. This also makes one of my favourite lines in Objective-C, while(myObject = [myEnum nextObject]) as useful as it is confusing.

November 8, 2003, 1:32

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