Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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Easter Weekend

274 words

The easter weekend so far has been mixed. Yesterday we did some more shopping for our flat, which subsequently we had to set up. We bought some aluminium strips to cover the place where the workboard meets the wall. They look quite nice. Cutting them into shape – angular for the corners – was quite a pain, though.

Luckily, Steffen stopped by for a visit and he has some experience in working metal. So he helped out and made sure things actually look decent now. – That said, our initial plan to nail those strips to the wall failed miserably, we'll have to do some more drilling and screwing there, I am afraid.

After that perfectly spoiled afternoon we assembled our new barbecue and had a barbecue with a few friends coming over. That was fun and our kitchen is nice and big enough for such a thing. Later on, we went out, staying till rather late, and leaving everybody ever-so-slightly tired this morning.

Now I am waiting for it to be past three, so I can start making some serious noise with the power drill again without the neighbours complaining too much. Strangely, there are all those 'rules' about which times you're supposed not to make a lot of noise. 12-3 is one of those times, particularly on Sundays – even though there is no notion of 'siesta' or anything in Germany, to justify this. I am in favour of 'All noise, all the time', if I may rip that slogan off.

And I just learned that

Grammar God!I am a Grammar God!

Thanks to the How grammatically sound are you? quiz. Who would have thought?

April 11, 2004, 14:27

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