Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

« DNSMainZum botanischen Garten »

24 hours

161 words

Lots of things happening in the previous 24 hours. First my mum came over from renovating the devastated flat in Uslar and we had some nice cake. Then she left and the dinner we had planned to have with the another flat from our house started. We had Racelette with nine people and many bottles of wine, easily reaching into double digit numbers… a bit too much judging from the feeling in my head this morning. After having some pancakes at the university restaurant for lunch – a kind of dessert after all the cheese yesterday night – I felt better and ready for quite a good colloquium talk in the afternoon. In between all this I recovered an e-mail from my GMail spam mailbox which contained a UPS label for shipping back our broken network bridge and my dad told me that finally the iPod is back, coming from Asia apparently and looking new-ish but with an empty hard drive.

January 20, 2005, 18:52

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