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UnicodeChecker 1.6.2

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A new version of UnicodeChecker has been released. Despite the minor increase in the version number there are quite a few new things in the application.

UnicodeChecker Icon The one I’m most fond of is that there’s an AppleScript command to find a character by name now. Depending on whether your choice is unique it will either bring up the pre-filled find sheet or, if it is in fact unique, go straight to the character you asked for. What’s the point of that? you may ask. Well, so far to get to some of my favourite characters like ☃, I had to (a) switch to UnicodeChecker, (b) activate the find feature, (c) type ‘snowm’, (d) hit return. Now I can use LaunchBar to achieve the same thing in just two steps. I like it. And seeing that I had implemented the very same thing for BibDesk before, I had something to give Steffen to start with.

Another improvement of the find sheet is, that Steffen went out of his way to make it possible to navigate the selection in the list at the bottom with the arrow keys while the focus for typing is in the top field. No more superfluous tabbing around. I like it very much.

There are quite a few other changes, like slight updating of some Unicode data, the ability to display UTF-8 values octally and support for Growl to display notifications (which I don’t really see the point of). And we have slightly better handling of fonts during pasting.

A final new feature is that we have now a PayPal account which can also be used to give donations for UnicodeChecker. While everybody is welcome to continue using the tool freely, it is the application for which there have been requests of people actually wanting to donate voluntarily in the past. And of course that’s appreciated.

January 18, 2005, 23:45

Tagged as earthlingsoft, UnicodeChecker.

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