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The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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Big Five Table

184 words

Here come photos of the table I bought close to the Cape point. Those tables have been around for ages – at least we bought our first one back in the 1980s IIRC.

Photo of the table in total with Big Five side of the table top seen

The design is very clever in my opinion: The table consists of two parts. One of them is the table top, simply a round piece of wood which has things carved into it. Eve better, it has things carved into both sides, so you can turn the table top around and see something else. The table I got has the Big Five on the front and an elephant, a rhino and a hippo on the back.

Back of the table top

The table’s legs are the other part and they’re quite clever by themselves as all three legs are made of a single piece of wood, being separate yet interlocked.

The table's legs

The only downsides are that my table doesn’t stand perfectly straight – something you can’t judge too well when buying stuff at the side of a road – and that, as usual, the nice dark colour is achieved by having shoe polish on top of the wood.

March 20, 2005, 17:11

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