Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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Bernadette La Hengst Live

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Yay! Another gig just a minute down the road. Bernadette La Hengst (Note that web site! - Apparently musicians can do without obligatory MySpace or Flash even in 2007. They may even put lyrics on their web site. I’ll just ignore the tables for the moment…) I heard some of her songs many years back but wasn’t really familiar with her music.

She ended up playing an odd mix of songs some of which were too electronic for my taste (and not clever enough at that), others of which were too much in the direction of hip hop to be in my comfort zone and yet others where she played guitar and sang along with some drum computer thingy. Those were actually quite good – if perhaps a bit German at times. During the encores she played a number of additional nice songs, including mostly acoustic stuff and a more experimental song to finish things off.

While I’m not highly enthusiastic about this, it was a nice performance with a few gems in it. And of course I wouldn’t want to contradict someone who dreams of never having to get up before noon again.

May 7, 2007, 0:47

Tagged as live.

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