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The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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Taxi zur Hölle

146 words on

On telly tonight there was the documentary Taxi zur Hölle (Taxi to the dark side) about the torture habits that the US have developed in recent years. While its depressing facts aren’t really new, it was quite depressing to also see the big picture of how all this is sanctioned by the government and how they are quick with both weasel words and changing laws to cover their butts.

Seeing Mr Bush and his team comment on that with the same ‘arguments’ over and over and again and hearing how they change laws effectively undermining the accountability that is taken to be an essential part of democracy is really sickening. And it must be even more so for the people who speak up in their political system and remain ignored year after year.

Not a film for a good mood but definitely worth watching.

October 9, 2007, 0:06

Tagged as documentary, film, taxi to the dark side.

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