Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

« Free?MainTax fools »


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Two days with Ibrahim, Jörg, Claus, Meike, Alma, Mona and Marina. Not only fun but also quite ‘efficient’ in catching up with people. More and more of my friends are moving away from Berlin now. Before long it’ll become hard to find an excuse to go there.

Also saw the small ‘Cities of the World’ exhibition with paintings by Titus Matiyane. He paints ‘maps’ of cities. They are huge and quite rough but still rather detailed and capturing a lot about the cities on them. Of course this is even cooler if you’ve lived in the cities in question or at least been there.

Part of the Pretoria map

(Small part of the Pretoria map, featuring the city centre)

March 30, 2008, 23:04

Tagged as travel.

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