Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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Some promotion guy tried to talk us into listening to some radio station during our after-lunch coffee this afternoon. Apparently they now boast not having any jingled. Wow, the marketing-droids finally learned the obvious about those annoyances. Still, he didn't quite agree that saying a radio station tries to be both more mature and more chart oriented is a bit schizophrenic. No reason to regret having given up listening to the radio, I suppose.

No Service

So shops may be opened until 8 in this wonderful country, right? But many of them just don't bother - just the big supermarkets do. Now guess who was annoyed when discovering that leaving the office early at around seven just wasn't good enough to flip through some magazines at the newsagent's.

No Sickness

caused by eating the creamy mushroom dish Philipp made with mushrooms he collected in the forest this afternoon - yet. Yummy.

October 2, 2002, 0:31

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