Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

« A Utility and a DiscoveryMainMy IP? »


206 words

Many are talking about web accessability these days. But not enough. Today a read an article on the topic, pointing out that there is a German law now that forces all government websites to adhere to accessibility standards, outlining exactly what may be done and what may not. It looks like there's still a lot of work to be done and makes me wonder how much tax-payer's money has been wasted on moronic 'web-designers' so far.

The article also links to the tool Bobby which tells you which parts of your web page don't follow the standards or are at the risk of doing so. While I think my own sites aren't doing too badly accessibility-wise, they aren't perfect at all. The main thing nagging me is that my site a large table to present its content in, which I consider both justified - it actually works as a table: the left column is for German content, the middle one for the topics, the right one for English content and each line is on a different topic - and unjustified as it is a large table which obviously also exists for layout purposes. Deciding how bad this is exactly seems to be a tricky question.

January 31, 2003, 2:50

« A Utility and a DiscoveryMainMy IP? »

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