Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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Angular momentum

181 words

We had an extended brunch at Jan-Philipp and Wiebke's today. After the eating, we spent insane amount of times playing with some of those battle spin tops that apparently have been popular this summer with the kids. That was a lot of fun – particularly as the one I had not only was back but also admirable stable at remaining upright and winning many times. Oh, we're just so grown up.

I also saw Wiebke's new iBook G4 – and as Jan-Philipp had reported before, it is a bit disappointing. The plastic seems to be solid white plastic, instead of the former white with a transparent halo about it. In addition the keyboard and handrest are in a disappointingly boring grey. Why add such grey components to a pretty white computer? People would happily spend the extra €10 to have it in shining white.

And I won't talk about the grey-instead of transparent modem and mouse cables that seem to be standard these days. The saving for this can't be a lot – but the product feels significantly cheaper because of it. Sad.

November 30, 2003, 19:45

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