Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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Parent Weekend

497 words

My parents came over this weekend as my dad had some work to do in town. While he was busy I used the opportunity of having a car around to do some shopping with my mum. I don’t really like cars but when it comes to buying stuff like big packs of detergent, loo roll or drinks having to get everything home in your rucksack on your bike quickly ranges between ‘royal pain’ and ‘impossible’. So shopping we went and bought a lot of supplies for my flat.

As we have got wooden floors and my desk chair did some damage to that, I decided to get some rug to put under my desk to prevent further damage. Now that was a bit hard to get – particularly as the store selling carpets and stuff in the shopping centre (which is horrible as all German shopping centres are) seemed to be gone. That’s what I thought and as my mum who is exceptionally good at remembering which store is where agreed, I’m pretty sure that’s true. As there was still plenty of time left, we decided to go to Ikea which is about half an hour away.

I got some rug there. It was extremely cheap I have to admit, but it looks OK. I hope it won’t go out of shape too quickly. While being at the wonderland that is Ikea, I also picked up some of the other obligatory things, such as new glasses and other stuff for the kitchen. In the end we had done many hours of shopping which I found quite exhausting. I started wondering how people (girls?) can actually enjoy this. But I figured that they not actually trying to get things done, but rather just look around a lot and have cappuccinos in between.

Some Haribos acquired during the shopping trip

After returning from the shopping trip, the ‘Hochzeitsbitter’ of my colleague came by. She’s getting married and where she comes from there’s the tradition that some of the couple’s friends or siblings go around and deliver the wedding invitation. In this case it was her brother and her future husband’s sister. The caveat is that everyone they deliver the invitation to has to offer them a drink which they have to accept. Luckily she had explained that tradition to us beforehand as most people wouldn’t have known. While I was only half way through their tour, they had already delivered a lot of invitations at that time and were seriously wasted and asked me to be kind to them and let them have a ‘soft’ drink. Luckily we still had some Martini in the fridge which has only 15% alcohol content, so they were happy. And they made it out of my house safely…

On Sunday I managed to actually put down the new rug which turned out to be a few centimetres too wide, so I had to fold it up a little under the radiator – and dedicate myself to some other household chores…

New rug under my desk

May 8, 2005, 23:58

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