Quarter Life Crisis

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Max Goldt

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We went to see Max Goldt read some of his columns tonight. He is writing columns for the satire magazine Titanic and also published some of his writing in books. His columns cover more or less random observations of every day situations that are presented in funny ways with many sidenotes.

As Goldt is from Göttingen himself he is reading here three days in a row and the shows seem to be sold out. While he is a good reader and the things he read were quite amusing, he did seem a bit bored by the whole process. Also the audience tended to laugh a lot most of the time. Sure, things were funny, but they weren’t that funny.

One of the pieces he read was an ode to the word Rohlingsspindel which he nominated as word of the year for a number of reasons, including the fact that the word is a composite of two old fashioned words at least one of which is used in a completely different sense than it used to be used in, the fact that the word is new, the fact that it probably will only be used for a few years and the fact that despite it being a term from the wonderful world of technology, it is a proper German word rather than the ‘Denglish’ you often get.

October 11, 2005, 0:24

Tagged as göttingen, live, max goldt, titanic.

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