527 words on Food
I am quite amused by the ‘happy holidays’ screams of happiness our American friends are experiencing. In short, American businesses, being the politically correct entities that they are, seem to have decided that wishing peoplesome vague ‘happy holidays’ rather than a concrete ‘merry christmas’ is a good thing. ‘Good’ as in keeping the christian customers happy without alienating those who aren’t christians as they can still map that wish to the new year or whatever hanukkah, kwanzaa or other celebration they like to indulge in. In addition, I assume this avoids problems with and for the employees as well who may not wish to greet their subjects customers with ‘merry christmas’ or at least may not be able to do that wholeheartedly.
And now some good old American christian extremists started to find that behaviour objectionable and want to hear people say ‘merry chrismas’ between the seasonal muzak. They might be vocal, but let’s see who wins this one. In the end it should be all about money. So if the christian extremists don’t buy at places wishing them ‘happy holidays’ and the non-christians decide to not buy at places wishing them ‘merry christmas’ – rather than just being irritated by the wish, we’ll see who outnumbers and outpays whom.
Of course, certain businesses may have a customer base that let’s them wish ‘merry christmas’ to their customers without losing money (christian churches, say). But in the big picture, I assume that the world, and particularly the U.S.A., are diverse enough to make sure these things don’t catch on outside the christian ghettos.
Personally, I find that wishing people ‘happy holidays’ is going a bit too far because I don’t support the event and don’t consider it particularly enjoyable. It’s particularly sad that you apparently need people to start some nutty religion just to get a few days of straightforward gluttony out of it without anybody daring to bitch about that. So, anyway, I’ll stick with wishes for a happy new year (which might be disputable as well, but shouldn’t be insulting), seeing that nobody really liked me wishing them a ‘tolerable festive season’ last year, which I considered an honest wish…
Festivus for the rest of us!
Ironically titled gift should be in in your inbox by now…