Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

« Time to say goodbyeMainCrazy »

Depth of Field

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Took a photo of the office phone today. It’s a very traditional (and old school although we only got it two years ago after the other phone – which was older than me – started sounding too bad) German office phone. Beige colour and a rather good touch when typing in numbers. Not that you can see any of that in the photo. Instead you’ll see dust, the surprising ability of my tiny camera to do OK macro photos – hey, there’s even some blurring of the ‘distant’ numbers. And you see the number 8, as I took this with the powers of 2 flickr group in mind.

Some keys on a telephone, focused on the 8

June 9, 2006, 1:16

Tagged as photos.


Comment by Abhay: User icon

Hi, how did you manage to take such an image.

Which camera do you have? Is it digital?

Can you tell me what were settings for

Aperture: Shutter speed: ISO:

June 15, 2006, 14:42

Comment by ssp: User icon

Basically I just held the camera and pressed the button :)

I was quite surprised the image came out like this. I used a simple digital camera (Canon Ixus 55, known as PowerShot SD 450 in the US) with its macro mode that lets you focus on things as close as a few centimetres.

The photo was taken with f 2.8, 1/10s exposure time and ISO 200.

June 15, 2006, 15:06

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