Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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Book cover of the fake travel guide The all made-up travel guide about the fictional country of Molvanîa was a big hit last year. I’ve seen it given as a present many times and ended up getting one myself for christmas. And the book sounds like a fun idea to anyone who ever read a travel guide in which everything is interesting, shiny or at least a bit kinky – because in the book about Molvanîa things just aren’t any of the above.

Everything is obviously fake, the people writing the guide are ugly and have less interesting lives than yourself and the country they write about is poor, full of ugly corrupt smelly drunk people doing ridiculous things while living in bad weather and plenty of pollution and between unremarkable ‘sights’.

Unfortunately the authors forgot to also invert another aspect of travel guides: The fact that they’re boring. And particularly so if you’re not travelling to the country in question. Hence the book ends up being a rather repetitive mess with unfunnily overdone jokes that’s not particularly interesting – to put it politely – and stops being entertaining once you’ve read a few sections.

July 15, 2006, 10:36

Tagged as bad, book, humour.

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