Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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163 words

People tend to think I’m always grumpy just because I didn’t take the happy drugs and have loads enthusiasm for all the mediocre things in the world. I can appreciate decent things. But I won’t think they are great. Thus the difficulty with rating systems perhaps. Just consider the Simpsons Movie. Nobody seems to think its truly great, but everybody still seems to enjoy it. It’s a fun film, it even has a spiderpig. Yet there are better Simpsons episodes and there are much better films as well. So while many seem to give the film ratings like eight out of ten or four out of five I’m more in for three out of five. Not bad but not great either.

In a way I like to think of my way of rating things as that a well mixed CD. There’s no clipping and you get reasonably good definition of the sound. Other people seem to prefer their music compressed and louder.

August 13, 2007, 0:55

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