Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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The bad thing about being interested in something is that it makes you more easily upset when things aren’t just right. I may not be the greatest gourmet, but I certainly like eating. And I like my food. And when we went for a bite after seminars today I was shocked once again because the food there left the impression of just having been unpacked from a plastic bag, heated and placed on a bunch of overcooked noodles before putting some ‘decoration’ on the ‘fancy’ plate.

In fact, I think the dish could have been anything. I seriously doubt that you’d be able to tell what the dish was if you hadn’t read it in the menu when ordering and didn’t get the clues from seeing what’s on the plate.

The readymade, industrially produced, food is one thing. And – sadly – it seems to become more and more widespread even outside the multinational fast-food chains. But cooking some frigging noodles! I mean, true, it’s not super easy to get the noodles right. But it’s not impossible. Far from it. Even if you don’t know how to do it you could just try a few times and use a watch to boil them for the right time. I mean, gee, a kitchen may be a stressful environment, but the people working there should at least be able to cook some noodles. And, ideally, they should refuse to serve them should something be overcooked once in a while.

November 9, 2007, 0:22

Tagged as food.

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