125 words on Food
Gee, I fell for lies in advertising. I was supposed to buy Müesli and went for a pack that looked like it contained nuts with the grain, by Kölln a traditional brand (clicking the link will unveal just how crappy Safari’s handling of IDN addresses is, btw). After mentally subtracting two thirds of the nuts on the packaging’s photo to adjust for reality, it looked reasonable (who’d want an all-nut müesli?). But once it was opened my error became apparent. In my book, müesly cannot possibly be a pack of stuck together flakes which do not soak in milk at all. That’s just degenerate crap. I should should have mentally subtracted about 90% of the nuts shown on the image as well.
Friggin’ liars!
I didn’t have a problem with the IDN url, or am I missing something?
Don’t you get a warning window about a ‘Possible IDN Spoof’ when you follow the link (and again for every link you click on the site)?
I didn’t get a warning either. Maybe the real issue is Safari’s inconsistency?
Nope, no warning either… Safari 3.1.1
The IDN spoof warning is due to PithHelmet. You can disable it using the “Check Host Spoofing” preference.
Thanks for pointing this out everybody.
So it’s not Safari’s fault but PithHelmet’s and there’s a way to turn the warning off.