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How To food

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A while ago I ordered the second issue of How To magazine on the topic of food. A pretty magazine on one of my favourite activities had a certain appeal.

The magazine was a delight to receive with nice packaging and a pretty cover letter.

How To magazine in its envelope

Design-wise I thought it was a mixed bag. After seeing the cool outer cover, the paper and print quality of the inner pages were a bit disappointing. I also don’t consider full page gradient backgrounds the height of snobbish style …

Colour gradient as a page background

… and was a bit puzzled by the article’s text going flush with the edge of the background while hanging punctuation was used to break that strange line:

Hanging Punctuation crossing the border of the background

I’m sure this can be ‘explained’ as stylish or clever, but how clever and stylish are things which need to be explained?

Writing-wise the magazine didn’t stand out too much either. Rather, most of its texts confirmed the impression that the people who are keen to make magazines like this aren’t necessarily the best people to write them.

That said, the choice of topics was quite wide-ranged. From serious and to a certain degree boringly politically correct reminders of bad ‘issues’ like industrial food production, anorexia and people starving to death in the world to more dada features like the execution of a cheeseburger on a scanner or mockery of poorly translated marketing gobbledeegook on food packaging or photos showing scened modelled with sausages (which reminded me of Titanic’s series of sausage ads).

October 10, 2008, 8:17

Tagged as magazine.


Comment by Will Robertson: User icon

That margin kerning is pretty unconvincing. Have you experimented with pdfTeX’s margin kerning features with the microtype package? It’s much more subtle and, in my opinion, effective, than the example you give. I’d love to throw an example together, but no time for now.

P.S. Love “diaerisitis” :)

October 12, 2008, 14:57

Comment by ssp: User icon

To me the margin kerning looks as sophisticated as it was a decade ago in top of the line layout applications (can’t remember which one I tried it with XPress? PageMaker? Freehand?). I read about the margin kerning in pdfTeX and it made me drool right away. Unfortunately I don’t really use TeX much for playful stuff these days (a friggin shame), so I haven’t played with it yet. And for compatibility reasons, I’m not sure whether using such additions in ordinary documents is a good idea :/

October 12, 2008, 21:03

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