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Fehler Melden

175 words

German weekly Die Zeit has a moderately competent website with a certain percentage of their articles being accessible to the general public (the percentage is claimed to be quite high, but, strangely, whenever an article was interesting to read and I want to send it to a friend, that article is not available online).

As a part of their site design they have fun miniature pixel icons for the various actions you can do with the item you’re viewing. One of those actions is reporting an error. I find it laudable that such a feature exists and is easily discoverable (unlike when you’re dealing with computer and software corporations, say, all of which seem to pride themselves in hiding the interfaces for customer feedback so well that one can conclude nothing but them not wanting to receive any feedback), but the icon itself is genius as well:

Finger icon

It manages to be both fun and welcoming and a reminder that you better report something substantial if you don’t want to be ‘that guy’ who always complains.


March 22, 2009, 19:40

Tagged as icon, pixel, zeit.

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