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Clickclickdecker Live

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Clickclickdecker was/were playing down the road. Despite the suggestive name, the music is not electronic or clicky at all but one of those German ‘singer-songwriter’ bands. Not exactly rock’n’roll but still nice. Extra double bonus points for their music video which features a weird guy living in the forest, felling a tree and having plenty of commutative diagrams in the van he stays in to type maths. No real idea what that has to do with the song or why that’s in the video (spontaneous Grothendieck association, perhaps?), but nice to see some fun maths in the music video.

Playing as a support ‘band’ was Petula, a guy accompanying himself fully by using a guitar and a bunch of looping. Interesting but not quite as clever as Final Fantasy, I’d say.

Things were finished off by Eagle and Talon from L.A. with a completely different style who seemed like a completely different gig alltogether. They played well but I didn’t think the singing could really match the music. Bonus points for the drummer’s successful efforts of saying a few German words, including a city name with an umlaut.

November 2, 2009, 1:50

Tagged as clickclickdecker, eagle and talon, live, music, petula, tkeller.

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