Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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Birgit a piece of roast boarcooked dinner for us, two friends and her brother because it was her birthday this week. We had the rest of the boar that we already had a feast on about two months ago. Food was plenty and delicious. And we had Mousse au chocolat for dessert.

The simplest, as far as I can tell best and my recipe for it is the following: For about 4 people use 4 egg whites, 200-250ml (or half a pint for those non-metric people) of cream and 200g dark (preferably very dark) chocolate. Melt the chocolate - by putting it into bowl which is in hot water of course - whip the egg whites until they're really stiff and do the same to the cream in the meantime, then pour the chocolate over the whipped egg whites and stir gently. The result will look a bit yucky that's just normal. Finally carefully mix in the cream and put into the fridge for a while - preferably overnight.

It's really easy. Doing it in the way I described minimises the washing up you have to do. E.g. you can whip the cream after the egg whites without having to wash your tools in between. If you're adventurous, you can also make some biscuits of the leftover yolks. Nobody felt adventurous though.

November 29, 2002, 22:45

Tagged as food.

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