Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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Another Present

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Jean The Hives a.k.a. I-D-I-O-T album cover came over today for me to help him a bit with running TeX. He had actually tried to use Word for his research work before and failed utterly - judging from all those files called Test… in his folder. So he recalled the old virtues and asked a couple of questions. It turned out that the first obstacle was him not having TeX but only TeXShop installed - which was probably my fault in some way or another. Thanks to Gerben Wierda's neat iInstaller solving this problem was a matter of minutes. What followed was basically re-teaching him some basics about typesetting tables in LaTeX. So we had more time at our hands to waste listeing to music and fooling around (and eating cake).

Back when I bought that incredibly cool James Dean poster I had immediately thought that Jean will love it and got another copy for him as a christmas present. This way I had to decline his no presents this year offer and in turn got a record from him - the a.k.a. I-D-I-O-T EP by The Hives.

December 31, 2002, 4:14

Tagged as TeX.

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