Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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Old Students

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Among the students whom I teach and whose work I mark are two who are not only older than me but also have family and children to look after. They're not among the strongest students, but they seem a bit more motivated and serious about what they're doing than the average. It's a bit of a question to which extent it's reasonable to take into account that they've probably got plenty of other worries besides their studies.

On the one hand I like to think that all I do there is about teaching and marking mathematics – regardless of the person. At the end of the day people will get a degree for their work and not for being nice. On the other hand, though, they don't seem worse at mathematics than some of the other students – just not as good at playing the system in their favour (copying work and stuff... don't ask) perhaps, so it would be mean to punish them for that.

July 6, 2003, 3:42

Tagged as uni.

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