Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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386 words

A suggestion is made to take that bullshit bingo thing to its online extreme: Use buzzwords of the online world for the bingo card and play the game using your online reading. Hm, that one was to tempting to pass on…

… just for me to discover that it would require serious work – and then remembering that actually the 'Pro' (read: non-light) version of NetNewsWire supposedly the script is completely useless, mindlessly stupid (allowing duplicates, not having the centre field, poor expression matching, just creating a filled out card without seeing whether you've won) and only moderately funny. It requires a Mac, the Pro version of NetNewsWire (30 day demo – $40 thereafter) and UnicodeChecker (free, but I think you would get away without it). I guess this is a 'laugh once and throw away' script, so I won't put any effort into removing its obvious flaws. Enjoy.


February 2, 2004, 23:40


Comment by gummi: User icon

Well, I’m suitably impressed. Writing a script for the Punditster is beyond my skills — and the list I’ve compiled increases everyday.

For further automated inspiration you might want to check out R.Robot, which follows strict rules and is alot of fun.

February 3, 2004, 15:07

Comment by ssp: User icon

As I say, the script really isn’t sophisticated at all as can be seen in the example I link to.

If you have a Mac, just download the script, double click it and you can add further words at the top of the file (mingled with sufficient amounts of commas and curly brackets).

February 3, 2004, 23:37

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