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Kettcar live

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We rather spontaneously went to see Kettcar play tonight. I didn’t know a lot of their music before. In fact, that knowledge can probably be summarised to their song Ausgetrunken which is frequently played in clubs ;ndash; if only for its catchy opening and its fun lyrics, which unexplicably contain a few English words as well.

Cover of the new kettcar album As many tickets had been sold, the gig ended up taking place in the university’s main lecture hall building, ZHG, a large and ugly concrete mess which makes you wonder whether people actually thought it was nice in the seventies. And the band made fun of that later on.

I wasn’t too impressed by the whole thing. The support band wasn’t too good, many of the listeners were very young and the location was so big that it wasn’t properly filled. In addition, I’m not too impressed with their music. It’s not really bad but seems to suffer from being in German. I like to think that German is like the S-class Mercedes of languages. You can have all kinds of comfy things and seriously oversized words. But it’s not easy to manoever. Somehow this makes many lyrics sound a bit clunky and more thoughtful than they should be. Because of that, German songs with the ease and power of the Last Nite or What a Waster will probably remain rare exceptions.

To finish, vaguely related remarks: Kettcar seem a bit similar to Astra Kid who’ll play here in May as well. Kettcar are with the Grand Hotel van Cleef label which has cool name and a nice image on their home page. And they did a bit too much talking during their show. The band members looked much older than I would’ve expected them to be, and apparently they have some history in the punk area. Which in turn explained why the audience had so many older and ‘rougher’ looking people in it as well. As the last encore, asking people not to sing along, they played Balu which is definitely not Rock’n’Roll but quite nice. And has Audrey Hepburn in its lyrics. A feat that I’m impressed by since first hearing Erdmöbel’s In den Schuhen von Audrey Hepburn.

Oh, and take a look at a real Kettcar.

March 19, 2005, 3:03

Tagged as lang:de.

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