104 words
Last month Dave (Simmer II) celebrated his second blogiversary. And to celebrate that in style he collected an enormous number of thing for his readers to win, ranging from T-Shirts to food to old electronics to books to games to an iPod shuffle. I won one of the T-Shirts which I found in the mail when returning from uni today.
The T-Shirt was very thoroughly packed in three layers at least two of which would probably have been good enough on their own. In addition, Dave included all the umlauts, ßs and hyphens in my name and address – something that’s unfortunately remarkable.
The multiple layers of wrap was a mistake. Originally, I was going to send in a Priority Mail box, but the post office told me that was for domestic mail only, and I need to wrap it in brown paper. But then I found that GLOBAL PRIORITY was available with better service, so I didn’t need to wrap the boxes after all!
Oh well, now I’ve learned what to do, so it won’t be so much work next time.
Glad you enjoy the shirt!