Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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Dark Garden

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This is a highly problematic photo. I assume it’s exactly one that stretches the art of colour management, my understanding of the art of colour management, different screen types, TFT viewing angles and the different colour profiles between of the Mac and Windows to their limits. Or beyond.

Photo of our garden in the dark

So the first question is whether you’re seeing anything, then I’d ask whether you can see details and finally whether the whole scene looks mysterious and a bit cool. I think it does on my side of things anyway.

Now that days are actually starting to be days again – with daylight still being around in the late afternoon and with there being some surprising snowfall in the past days, I took this photo when I returned home. The last bits of sunlight had just vanished and because of all the snow around whatever little ambient light there was got reflected around and lit things that way. Add to that the light coming from the flats in the houses behind our garden and you get this photo…

March 4, 2006, 3:06

Tagged as photos.


Comment by gummi: User icon

In my mind, the only thing missing from the picture are some shadowy figures, and perhaps a background sound of shrieks or wolves howling, or something.

March 4, 2006, 15:05

Comment by d.w.: User icon

Nice, I’ll definitely roll it out as my desktop pic in about 7 months. :)

March 5, 2006, 23:55

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