Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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It’s already the fourth day

187 words

It's already the fourth day of the course in Durham now and time is flying. Although our schedule looks tame with three lectures and two seminar sessions a day, it is rather busy and all the brakes a easily filled out with discussing the odd open question.

As always, the people, mathematicians and theoretical physicists are generally nice while probably being considered a bit odd by the rest of the world. Especially talking to the physicists can be interesting as they tend to have a different perspective on the various topics.

Yesterday we had the opportunity to visit the Durham cathedral. It is quite big and has some usual 'engraved' decorations on the big stone columns which I find pretty. Unfortunately we came there too late to go up into the tower, which is supposed to give a very good view of the city and its surroundings.

Also, while being here, I managed to win a few eBay auctions, which is nice as normally people seem to outbid you towards the end of the auction time if you're not around your computer, watching what's going on.

September 19, 2002, 8:36

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