Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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Tonight arte screened the 'literary documentary' Gefangen vom Kaukasus on the war in Chechenya. It was composed of video footage of the past decade with occasional readings of passages from Tolstoi, fitting very well, to illustrate that the conflict isn't quite as new as it may seem. Although it was very well done, it was rather unpleasant to watch with parts of the footage being disgusting (mutilated bodies, soldiers trying to decapitate one of their enemies, to name the worst) and arranged in a sarcastic way, making it even more bitter. Amidst that sarcasm, the director 'orchestrated' firing artillery, helicopters and other weapons along to some classical music - making it almost seem like the Holywood æsthetics of war. It seems criticism wasn't exclusively aimed at the parties at war but also at our complacency and the state of our media.

Definitely worth watching, but leaving you feel uneasy and not sleep well.

October 30, 2002, 0:35

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