Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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Karius & Baktus

149 words

Karius und Baktus When I was little I had this book and book on tape about Karius und Baktus. They're two little men who live in your mouth, building their houses in your teeth. I think it's supposed to teach kids about dental hygiene. At least the boy in the story has toothache in the end and Karius and Baktus are expelled by the evil toothbrush and the mean dentist.

Did I just say evil and mean for those two noble and inherently good institutions? I guess I did. I always used to be sorry for the two funny little men, and while this didn't keep me from brushing my teeth – it didn't particularly encourage me to do so either.

The good news: Thanks to the wonders of file sharing networks, I could find a digital copy of the tape, saving me the trouble to go through my parents' attic.

February 20, 2004, 1:10

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