Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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My Powerbook's AC adaptor/adapter ('yoyo' or 'UFO' style) broke. First I thought it's only the wire which has had a tendency to not work properly every now and again. But eventually the whole thing broke as well – at least it still didn't work after Jan-Philipp fixed the cable for me. Any hints on how to fix (or open) the adaptor or how to get a new one at a reasonable price?

Powerbook Yoyo Adapter after repair After having given up on the adaptor, Jan-Philipp offered to open it forcefully – even extensive googling wouldn't give us a hint as to how to open it gracefully. That seemed better than just throwing it away. And after opening it by cutting around the top, he was able to solder back the single cable that was broken on the inside. And while the adaptor looks a bit very scarred now – it works perfectly..

February 16, 2004, 0:40

Tagged as apple, apple defect, broken.

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