327 words on Films
Just a few months after our friends in the US, we get to see Sin City here in Germany as well. Everybody seemed really enthusiastic about the film over there in spring… and for a good reason. To begin with it’s just very ‘new’ in the way it looks. And new in a cool, good, way. Phantastic to look at just for the way its done. And even more phantastic for all the actors and actresses they managed to squeeze in there – each of whom is at least one of cool or good looking.
What the film gives us are two hours with three very mildly related cartoon stories bursting with violence. The film kept my eyes tied to the screen for the whole time it was running. And we decided to get a drink afterwards just to cool down a bit and return to a peaceful state of mind. People might say that the film is too aggressive, but it is so in a very cool way – and with the whole setup being very artificial I found it much less ‘real’ than in many other films. In fact the film was rated ‘18’ in Germany and even seems to be rated ‘R’ in the US despite there being no nudity – probably meaning that even in the Violent States of America they considered it quite harsh.
All three stories are very simple ones about a guy protecting or avenging a girl and doing whatever is necessary to do so. And that – with the girls not being quite as passive in it as it may sound – gives them a task simple enough to be conducted with lots of force. So much force in fact that even thinking about the Die Hard series now, makes Bruce Willis look like a whiner there and that re-watching the The Hire series with Mike Owen as the driver (and Mickey Rourke in one of the episodes) might be lame.