154 words
We all know that Germany is a country of bureaucrats and rules. Many things end up being ‘verboten’ for no good reason and there are rules for how – or how not – to do most things. Giving the people who make up those rules the benefit of the dout, I’ll say that mostly there have been good reasons for why certain rules have been established. However, at some stage things got out of control – those original reasons were forgotton and the rules started their own life.
In that spirit, I present a little (and crappy) film I took at a crossing. For a simple T-junction they managed to set up five traffic lights, two for pedestrians, two for cyclists and one for the cars. No two of these turn green at the same time. It looks pretty absurd. I even consider it confusing.
Seeing the film should require some recent version of QuickTime.
Yeah, but Germans get signs like this in the bargain, which makes it all worth it, in my book.
That’s quite a funny sign.
But I’m pretty sure it’s not an official one. (Bascially signs that ban things don’t have the diagonal stroke.)
I don’t know. I took that picture in Wuppertal in 2001. The British equivalent is here. Note how the red “X” through the poo makes a little stinky union jack.