Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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366 words

Uh, what a day! In an almost spontaneous move we went to Braunlage – which is quite close to St. Andreasberg where we went Rodeln before christmas – in the Harz today for snowboarding to make the best of the late winter that we’ve seen around here recently. Mind you the Harz isn’t the Alps with the highest mountain there being less than 1200 metres high and the Wurmberg we went on being less than a thousand metres high.

But that shouldn’t matter much as of the four of us only one had actually ridden a snowboard before, so the area was exciting enough. After renting the equipment and getting a pass for the lift we were off. And man were those first minutes on the board scary. Let’s just say a rather exciting and strenuous day of trying to get an OK ride and not falling over too much followed. I quickly found out that I feel seriously uncomfortable when standing on the board facing the mountain and thus potentially not seeing where I’m going. That didn’t help… and made me try to go facing the valley whenever possible. I also found it much harder to control the board when facing the mountain – and thus got much more falling over out of that way round than the other.

After we had some basic moving sorted, it was time to do turns while moving… eeek. Scary again. And – possibly for the same reasons that make me feel better when facing the valley – I managed to do turns that started with me facing the mountain and ended with me facing the valley but had severe difficulties going the other way round. Read: lots of extra falling over.

And in conclusion we had a lot of fun there, got some fresh air, a dislike of T-bar lifts, muscle sore and lots of aching joints, particularly in the wrists. Oh, and I’m veery tired and just have to sleep now…

Uh, after waking up the sores have become much worse. Walking hurts, lifting my arms hurts and turning my head hurts. Luckily I can get away with sitting at my desk and not moving all day…

March 9, 2006, 0:01

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