Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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Pimped with Magnets

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It’s been a while since the last MacBook pimping… mostly because I don’t have that many magnetic objects. But let’s indulge it this one:

MacBook pimped with a button, some postcards and a supermagnetic hook

This pimping features my own little Snowman button (get some for yourself from my spreadshirt store in Europe or America) and about 20 postcards held together by a foldback clip at the far side. And at the close side it features a small screwdriver and a magnetic hook holding a keychain.

That magnetic hook is part of the super magnet order I placed for my parents and it’s quite fun by itself and in conjunction with the MacBook’s magnets.

Now go and pimp your MacBook and add the photos of it to the Flickr group!

December 28, 2006, 21:30

Tagged as macbook, macbook pimping.

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