Quarter Life Crisis
The world according to Sven-S. Porst
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My attitude towards football is one of ignorance on good days and one of despite on the others. So you can guess my delight when my wonderful ‘drive back home on a quiet train after eating mum’s great seven hours slow cooked lamb’-plan was crossed by hundreds of football fans and their ‘let’s get drunk and sing (well, at least shout) all the time’-plan who were on the same train.
Unfortunately my iPod headphones were hiding somewhere at the bottom of my bag. So I had more than enough opportunity to enjoy these people’s company in all its loud, football-enthusiastic, ignorant and occasionally xenophobic glory. And obviously I envied neither the conductor not the people who’ll have to clean the coaches after arrival.
despise (v) -> despite (n) or spite (n). You probably mean despite, “contempt.”
Thanks for pointing this out Allen, I fixed it now.
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