278 words on CYHSY , Compilations , Strokes
After the highly popular Sampler Ⅲ made in October – which is on its way to become one of the most popular CDs in the world (I should make a map for its distribution) – there was a bit of waiting so the other guys could make some samplers and those got the attention they deserved. And when it was my turn again, my playlist with potential songs was so long that it almost filled two CDs. A long time of shuffling things around (including a preliminary Sampler Ⅵ β) followed and I finally settled on the mix below which is on the slower side with sidesteps into obscurity and oldies but goldies in it.
And there’s cover art as well which can be seen as a spring-time tribute to Zapfino.
Boo for iTunes which seems to cover less than 50% of the songs used when submitting the compilation as an iMix. And Last.fm aren’t much better.