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I needed a break from the non-metropolis that is Göttingen and decided to visit friends in Berlin for the weekend. Apart from the minor detail that I only managed to get a discount rated ticket to and from Hannover at less-than-perfect times – which made this one of the more effort-ful but also one of the cheapest trips to Berlin I ever made – things went fine.
To start start things off I met some friends for drinks and Flammkuchen and as the evening went on the question whether we should play some games arose. As Meike had just bought a Playstation karaoke game SingStar for her nephew the following steps were as clear as unfortunate: We went to a video store to borrow the game. Unfortunately it looked like they only had the ‘The Dome’ edition left in stock which, I was told, was a warrant for really under-class current trash music. Oh well.
But at least that problem resolved itself as the game turned out to be the Legends version after all which included music from 1950s classics to Barry White to John Lennon’s Imagine (easy to sing along to) to Nirvana to U2’s Vertigo. Much to the delight of certain participants we could also sing ‘Back for Good’ which was surprisingly tricky.
The bottom line of this is that it was much more fun than expected even for those of us who can’t sing. Certain songs turned out to be fiendishly difficult to sing along with because they contained long passages with quasi-random meandering of the melody along the same syllable. That’s what it looked like to me anyway.
And because an evening of karaoke wasn’t enough, we continued playing after we got up the next morning. The neighbours probably started to doubt our sanity. Oh well… and at least it kept the Playstation well trained in all sorts of Fourier transforms.
For less of a game but better songs, I definitely recommend the Indie Karaoke site.