Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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I love Asian food stores. They have the few Asian foodstuffs I know (our local one even having the fermented black beans which can be tricky to get in Germany) and loads and loads of things which look interesting or weird and of which I wouldn’t know what to use them for. On their less extravagant shelves they also sell basics like rice from different regions and of varying types. I think I’ve tried quite a few. And while I like Basmati rice for its flavour my taste has shifted in favour of the scented Thai rice which does have a lovely taste on its own but is more subtle and thus doesn’t stand out as much when eaten with another dish.

As it’s quite annoying to start cooking and then realise that there’s no (or just ‘strange’) rice left in the cupboard, I got in the habit of buying large packs to be on the safe side. This time I went for a 10kg bag which probably is the largest I can reasonably transport on my bike. And I hope it’ll last for a while.

large bag of rice

Arial at the top, Helvetica at the bottom. Who would have thought?

November 13, 2007, 9:27

Tagged as arial, food, helvetica.

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