Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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119 words

Railway platforms 3 and 4 in Hannover, both with trains going to Göttingen.

At the left the pretty bit of German railway infrastructure. For a €31 fare (could be half of that if I had a rail card) it could get me home in 35 minutes.

At the right the journey I end up taking: A 73 minute journey which is free once you paid for your university card.

Will have to try taking a better photo of this: On average exposure it’s so dark that the shutter time is too long but with spot metring on the clock things remain too dark. Actually I quite like the mystic look. But it could be a tad lighter. Amusingly this is pretty much the same situation you currently see on on Google Maps:

December 14, 2007, 16:54

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