Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

« What the f…?!MainCocktail! »


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There Björk Debut album cover was the first part of a documentary on Björk on telly tonight which I accidentally caught a glimpse of and then had to watch to the end. As far as coolness goes this woman surely wins hands-down. Listen to the music, read the lyrics, watch the videos - it's just cool.

Although her music is not suitable for every situation and can get on my nerves when I put on the CD at the wrong time, at the right times it is brilliant and quite moving. And it's a bit on the depressing side, I am tempted to say - not considering this to be a bad thing. Some songs even make you feel uneasy, just like watching her in Dancer in the Dark.

November 22, 2002, 0:18

Tagged as music.

« What the f...?!MainCocktail! »

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